Monday, May 13, 2013

Spring Cleaning Cravebox Review

Cravebox works a little differently from other subscriptions because it isn't a subscriptions.  They typically offer about three different themed boxes a month, and you decide if you want them as they come out. If you would like to buy one, you have to fill out a short survey basically asking you about the products that will be in the box. With my experience  the surveys give a pretty good idea on what is going to be in the box. Then about a week later, they tell you if you made it or not. But I can tell you that I have never been rejected from getting a box.  Then they ship the box shortly after the e-mail and then KABAM, you got a Cravebox.

This box was Spring Cleaning themed, and it was $13 including shipping. I am pretty sure everyone was expecting Cravebox to do this for spring since they usually have a cleaning or "spruce up" box for most seasons.  The last spruce up box wasn't up to par, and a lot of people got mad because of that. Due to that reason, I was a little wary at first for buying this box. But then I thought "What the heck, anyone needs some cleaning," and proceeded to fill out the survey. This box shipped super fast, it was in Colorado for like a day, and they next thing I knew it was at my post office! I got this box last Thursday, I have just been super busy with finals, but now they are over! Hooray!

Cravebox has an interesting referral system that I still don't fully understand.  You put someone's username in the about me tab on your profile where it says Referred By. Then for example, if you put my username, I would get a certain chance of getting free boxes.

My username is jarednoetzel for anyone that would like to put me in their referrals.
 This box was quite a bit smaller than the "normal" Craveboxes, but there wasn't any confetti this time. 
Yep, the survey did hint at many of these products pretty explicitly. 
Disposer Care Plus Bleach ($5)- Garbage disposals often get overlooked when people think about things to clean. So it was kinda nice to get this as a nice reminder to clean out my garbage disposal. Am I the only one who thought the packaging/logo for this brand looks SUPER old. I think they need to modernize their shtuffs.

Disposer Care Freshener ($8??)- I can't find this anywhere on Amazon. Even when I click the link on the company's website! So I just looked at similar products and guesstimated on the price. Anyways, I have had similar products like this before and they make the disposal smell so fresh! I never really noticed the bad stench of the disposal until I "refreshed" it with one of these tablet things.
(2) Gain fireworks in-wash scent boosters ($1??)- Well, I had myself a little debacle about the value.  First of all, either I'm incredibly stupid, or the weight in ounces is not on the little packet, so I don't know how to calculate the value.  The other part of my debacle is that it says "free sample" on the packets so I don't know if I should count the value. But these do smell pretty good from outside the packet.

Woolite At-Home Dry Cleaner ($8.24)- Well, I don't use dry cleaning very much, so this isn't a very big use to me. I can give it away though.  I have a gigantic box in my room filled with subscription box things I haven't used yet, and I give away almost everything in it when it gets filled.  So this is another addition.

Sprayaway Glass Cleaner ($3.33)- This stuff works like magic! Too bad it runs out really quick. Fortunately enough for me they sell these in packs of six at Costco, yippee!

Misc. Coupons I won't use- Well sadly this box didn't have any free coupons so I won't be using them. 

The total value of this box is about $25.57. This is a great value considering the box was only $13.  Most of the things will go to use (or donation) also.  

Verdict: This box was pretty good.


  1. You didn't get the coupon for the free bottle of carpet cleaner?

    1. Oh oops :P. It was hiding in my box oops.
